words by frank morrow
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LACROSSE Philosophy

A Pitch for A New Paradigm

Pronounced like the sport Lacrosse, LACROSSE is an evolution of FLOSS (Free, Libre Open-Source Software) that encompasses non-software social projects, encourages all users or community members to engage in the development process guided by a set of principles.

FLOSS is, by nature, anti-capitalist, however the maintainers of FLOSS projects, like anyone else living under the current mode of production, require support to maintain their livelihoods. Most commonly, this comes in the form of financial support.

LACROSSE is a WIP (work-in-progress) concept aiming to help us shift paradigms of how we might begin new projects and support existing projects for the commons, utilizing a framework of mutual aid, so that endeavors previously written off as impossible or unsustainable (and even those which have already failed) might receive the necessary support to thrive. It’s only when everyone contributes what they can without overextending themselves when we’ll reach an equilibrium to finally challenge capitalism.

The acronym components:





Open Source

Social Endeavor